Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cures For Adult Gynecomastia - Get Rid Of Your Man Boobs

Breast enlargement in adult males is quite common, afflicting up to 50% of healthy men in all age groups. The first thing to consider is the possible causes, because safe and successful treatment highly depends upon this. Gynecomastia is made up of "gyne" meaning woman and "mastos" meaning breast....or using colloquial terminology, "man boobs". Strictly speaking this means hormonally responsive breast tissue growth which can be due to diseases, various prescription or illegal drugs and anabolic steroid abuse. In the extreme situation, the breasts may even produce milk.

There is another reason men's breasts may be enlarged, and this is simply due to fat accumulation. This condition is called lipomastia, or pseudo-gynecomastia, and is completely different from gynecomastia. It is also quite possible that enlarged breasts are due to BOTH conditions, in which case the treatment and results will vary.

In any case man boobs are not pretty, do not lead to great self esteem when the shirts come off at the beach, ridicule is common, and certainly man boobs do not attract women. The good news is that most man boobs can be cured with treatments that do not involved painful and expensive $4000 to $10000 surgery.

The first step in curing gynecomastia or lipomastia is to make sure you are healthy and to look at what medications you might be taking. Even something that seems unrelated, like anti-depressants or ulcer medications, can influence the breast glands. If the breast growth is bilateral and you are not fat, go see a doctor. If the growth is on one side only, like a lump, it may be a rare form of male breast cancer. Get checked out by a doctor. When you get a clean bill of health, ask yourself if you might possibly be carrying a few extra pounds and not hitting the gym as often as you should be.

The treatment for gynecomastia most often recommended by doctors is some type of surgery, including removal of any excess breast tissue and liposuction for the fatty portion of the breast. This can be very effective, but is very expensive, carries risks of pain, infection and scarring and might not be the first step you want to take. So, you might want to start by looking into various fat burning programs that focus on the chest. Actually, you will see benefits to your whole body, but some fat burning and muscle building routines will definitely target the chest preferentially. To top programs like this off, you might also consider some of the natural supplements out there that have a great effectiveness and safety track record.

Even if you decide on surgery for a quick fix and have the money to roll on that plan, what are you going to do to maintain? Especially if a large part of your man boob problem is fatty tissue, it WILL grow back without a maintenance program. So, get up, commit to natural program and get rid of your man boobs forever!

Mark Hazzard is a health care researcher, writer and provider. He writes on various topics in preventive medicine and natural remedies. In this case, natural cures and programs to eliminate man boobs or gynecomastia/lipomastia are further discussed on www.cures-for-gynecomastia.com

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