Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How to Cure Asthma

What is the difference between God and a Doctor? God doesnt think that he is a doctor. How do you tell the difference between a Doctor and a banana? If the banana doesnt go rotten in 14 days then it isnt a doctor. According to your doctor asthma is incurable, or as your Doctor learned after 8 years in University envying the number of women chasing the quarterback, who your Doctor in a jealous and drunken rage referred to in his secret diary as a hairy Neanderthal, asthma is a chronic (permanent) inflammatory condition of the lungs. The medical schools and the big drug companies and the big corporate executives have pawned off this deadly myth for so long that now even they believe it.

20 million Americans suffer from asthma. Does this mean that we should lay the blame for asthma on our creator? Did God not know how to create a functioning lung? Are we just prototypes in Gods vast laboratory? Perhaps without inhalers all of the asthmatics would die off and then the human gene pool would be freed from this genetic defect and then future generations would evolve into a species with perfectly functioning bronchial tubes. In the interest of future generations perhaps you should throw out your puffer and just choke to death sacrificing your life for the common good. This may get you into heaven in case you forgot to put your $5 into the collection plate last Sunday. Did Jesus have asthma? Did Jesus ever cure an asthmatic? Did Jesus know that asthma was incurable? Did Jesus go to medical school? Did Jesus play football? Was Mary Magdalene a cheerleader for the Jerusalem University Keepahs?

The reasons that the environmental organizations are going nowhere are myriad. One of them is that the word environmental is a combination of the words enviro and mental. No one knows what the word enviro means which leaves us with the word mental. People just think that these people are mental. George Bushs father referred to them as the spotted owl crowd. His son George proclaimed that there is no evidence that global warming exists. Jesus referred to the leaders of his day as snakes, blind guides, leading us all into the fire. The United States which likes to think of itself as the role model for a world which thinks of the U.S. as the black sheep of the family is the highest per capita polluter in the world. The reason that pollution groups are going nowhere is because people dont understand the meaning of the word pollution. The world is like a giant Jonestown filled with people believing that poison cannot kill them because some Bible writers, scribes, and who Jesus referred to as snakes spewing their deadly poisonous lies into your Bibles (Matthew 23) wrote this baloney in your Bible 2,000 years ago beside The Earth does not move and it never will three times. If God wrote your Bible then not only can he not create a functioning lung but he is also very poor at astronomy. Your Bible has 2,000 pages of Gods Word and no cure for asthma? Perhaps if the George Bushes had paid a little less attention to their Holy Bibles and checked out the Greenpeace website a couple of times, Greenland, Antarctica and the Arctic would not now be melting into the worlds 1 ocean which will shortly cause the sea level to rise 50 feet leaving nothing left of the United States except the peaks of Vail, which will be prime beachfront property.

In the Holy Bible God commands the cutting away of the foreskin, not the foresight. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure especially when there is no cure for asthma. The pollution, the particles of poison in the air which we breathe into our lungs, like deadly airborne cyanide, hemlock and snake venom gets into your lungs when you breathe the air, it inflames your lungs and you have asthma. If you want to get away with poisoning childrens lungs with deadly poison chemicals so that they cannot breathe then give your poison a name that no one understands, like a carcinogen, a cancer causing chemical coming out of the exhaust pipe of your car like a bullet which hits its target and then explodes 10 years later in your own lungs and then slowly eats you alive in an excruciating prolonged death. It was announced yesterday that in Beijing, the site of the next Olympics, where the smog is so bad that more car accidents are caused by low visibility than msg, over 100,000 Chinese people died last year from the indoor air pollution in their skyscrapers from the chemicals gassing off from their carpets, furniture, and poor ventilation. Who would want to open a window in Beijing even if the office buildings did have windows? The air in Beijing is so filled with poison gas that the 100 yard dash at the 2008 Olympics has been shortened to 10 yards. What is the big deal searching for a cure for Aids in Africa? If everyone remained a virgin and then only had sex with their spouse there would be no sexually transmitted diseases. Is this a secret being deliberately held from the African people? You cannot break the laws of nature but if you do it will break your back.

Mold is a fungus, a tiny airborne animal that can only be seen when magnified through the lens of a microscope. Some molds exist in nature and we breathe it in all the time in small amounts and our bodies can handle it. However in larger amounts, or in people with immune systems weakened by all of the poison we breathe in every day, these molds which we breathe in, that multiply in our lungs and digestive tracts, these molds cause allergic reactions, aka tightening of the airways, aka chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic emphysema leading to death. The end of chapter 14 of the Book of Leviticus recommends that in some cases when these molds get into the wooden walls and stones of your house, you must tear down your house and rebuild it.

Doctors, i.e. allopathic doctors will treat the symptoms of your asthma and not the causes. Allergists will diagnose you with mold allergies and inject you with mold for 5 years of useless and painful treatment. Respiratory specialists will give you cortisone inhalers which cause thrush, candida, yeast, mold, fungus in your throat which your bloodstream then carries to every organ in your body including your lungs thereby aggravating the problem and making the doctors and the drug companies rich. Jesus commanded that everyone sell all of their possessions and then give all of their money to the poor. Are there any Christian doctors? Are there any Christians?

Here is the good news. Go to your naturopathic doctor, your doctor of naturopathy. Take the best from what both traditional and naturopathic doctors have to offer. Actually naturopathic doctors should be called traditional doctors since they are the doctors who are using herbal remedies which have been used and are tried and true since before biblical times, which are recommended in the Bible. In the numerous cases of asthma which are caused by breathing in airborne mold, there is a herbal remedy which can cure it. Oil of oregano has been clinically proven to kill bacterial infections which penicillin cannot kill, viruses which nothing can kill, molds, yeast and fungus. Many drugs are synthetic preparations of herbal remedies, plant medicine put on earth by God to save your life. Oil of oregano with sage and cumin taken in capsules will kill off the mold, and remove the root cause of the asthma, tiny animals eating their way through your lungs like they eat through wood and stone no matter how much you clean the surface. Your bloodstream will take the Oregacyn capsules (oil of oregano, sage and cumin search oregacyn) which you can buy over the internet or in your health food store to every part of your body including your lungs and kill the mold and cure the asthma. It is also good to take non dairy acidophilus, the healthy bacteria in our bodies which beats back the mold, and NutriBiotic grapefruit seed extract tablets which also kill the fungus. Years ago Doctors accused the naturopaths of practicing voodoo medicine and the Government threatened to ban herbal remedies as being unsafe. (Some are unsafe. Check with your naturopath and your doctor and your health food stores to see which ones.) Today many drug stores look more like health food stores than drugstores. In the fight for power, control and money in medicine and in religion, it is always the patient who ends up the big loser. If the 200 countries on Earth decided to make World Peace they could do it overnight at the United Nations. Unfortunately your Holy Bibles and your religious leaders forbid it. Also, the weapons manufacturers own and are pulling the strings of the politicians, and they will never allow World Peace, until nuclear world war III causes the extinction of all life on earth forever in the near future, which will also put an end to asthma once and for all. Think of it as radiology theology coming to your rescue.

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